Oleo-Calcareous Liniment - Nappy Change Lotion

02 Sep '16

Episode Two, who: Canelle

Posted by Canelle LEFORESTIER in baby liniment Petit Kiddo blog

canelle Petit Kiddo

I’m this mum. Canelle, I was born French and became Australian.

I was bringing this product back from my trip back home - sacrificing shopping spree in Paris - for my first born; I was making it in my kitchen for my second. I had it posted over for the youngest.

Very quickly when the Petit Kiddo adventure started, I realised I needed help. I already had my best team of consultants ever: my mates with extensive background in marketing, legal, graphic design, art, "mumology", entrepreneur but I needed a side kick, a business partner, an alter ego to get the ideas bouncing.

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